Facilities at Magnetic Termite Mounds in
Litchfield National Park •Coach Parking •Public Toilet
One of Litchfield National Park's most impressive
sights is the hundreds of termite mounds standing up to two metres
high in a wide swathe of empty ground. Up to 100 years old, these
structures are unique to the northern parts of Australia and Litchfield
National Park, 120 kilometres south of Darwin.
Stroll through the area and marvel at what are enormous
magnetic compasses, with their thin edges pointing north-south
and broad backs east-west. This aspect minimises their exposure
to the sun, keeping the mounds cool for the magnetic termites
inside. Learn about the large cathedral termite mound nearby at
an information shelter that provides a fascinating insight into
these remarkable creatures and their habitat.
One day tours to the Magnetic Termite Mounds
and Cathedral Termite Mounds in Litchfield National Park from